Getting Started
What does PulseBeam add?
PulseBeam wraps WebRTC, defines a secure signaling protocol, and provides infrastructure. Including signaling, STUN, and TURN servers. It abstracts the complexities of managing connections, handling edge cases, and working with WebRTC APIs. With the @pulsebeam/peer
JS SDK, developers call peer.start()
to initialize connections and peer.connect(otherPeer)
to establish and reconnect peers seamlessly. So you get everything in WebRTC, without the large upfront investment, testing, maintenance, and ongoing complexity.
google webrtc in the real world Talk about building google duo signaling. Talks about some design considerations.
Why should I use PulseBeam
TODO come up with some more questions
TODO: quickstart feels empty TODO: add something to sequence diagram talking about other peer is mirror of first. can experiment here TODO: maybe talking about the why behind for the what happened?