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Quickstart Review

What happened in the Quickstart?

1. You setup your local environment

  • Pulled down code
  • Built project
  • Set environment variables

2. Started a Server

  • npm start spins up the HTTP server (localhost:3000)
HTTP Server (localhost:3000)
├── /index.html - frontend code
└── /auth - endpoint for token generation

3. Experienced a Token Request Workflow

  • User opens browser loads index.html.
  • index.html instructs browser to make a request to /auth for a token.
Browser → GET /index.html
Browser → Request Token from /auth

4. Created tokens

  • /auth uses @pulsebeam/server SDK with your environment variables to generate tokens.
/auth → @pulsebeam/server SDK → Token → Browser

5. Started peers

  • index.html uses @pulsebeam/peer SDK with the token to create a peer and communicate with PulseBeam signaling servers.
Token → @pulsebeam/peer SDK peer.start() → PulseBeam Signaling Servers

6. Established a Peer-to-Peer Connection

  • Second tab enters peer-29 in the textbox and clicks Connect.
  • The second browser initiates a connection to the first browser.
  • PulseBeam establishes a connection established.
  • index.html defines application logic: create data channel and sync text in real time
peer → peer.connect('peer-29') → PulseBeam Signaling Servers → connected


Quickstart Sequence Diagram


Logs can be viewed from your console browser inspector.

PulseBeam will work globally within the scope of your project.

  • Peers are not limited to two tabs within the same browser.
  • You can establish a connection between peers on different networks or machines.

We can’t wait to see what you build on PulseBeam! Connect on Discord!

Bonus points

Experiment with the demo!

Explore PulseBeam CLI

Update frontend to work with PulseBeam CLI ( instead of /auth for token generation.

Hint: One way is to create another input for token, and add a peer.start() button.